Thursday, 13 September 2012

A bit of graphic design to pass the time

Whilst looking for a work experience placements, i've kept my skills sharp by doing a bit of graphic design for people. 

The first was a logo for someone's wife on Twitter who is starting up a business fairly soon. Once i saw the tweet, i replied and began to give it a go. The businesses name was 'Little Monkeys Crafts' and she wanted a monkey surrounded by paint or paint spills. 

I started by drawing up a baby monkey which i then transfered to Illustrator. Drawing over it, then some photoshop work to do the colours and voila! One logo. A bit of back and forth with tweaks here and there and it was finished. Here's the final image:

Little Monkey's Crafts Final Logo Design

The second piece of design for was a Podcast competition. One of my hobbies is gaming, and whilst listening to a podcast called Malifools, they announced a competition for their Podcast Logo. I listened to this episode two days before the deadline, so i churned out a quick image for them and sent it off. I received some positive feedback for it, and provided i won i'd need to alter it ever so slightly. Here is the initial image i made:

Malifools Competition Logo Entry

Good news is, i won! So my design is now the Malifools podcast logo, and i got some cool swag in the process. The final image is below with the slight alterations:

Final Malifools Logo Design

The thought behind it was that the game is based upon a deck of cards and the whole mechanic is card based and not dice based. The logos are specific to the game of Malifaux, and so it fit the whole Malifaux aesthetic whilst incorporating the shocking pink of the Malifools. 

Both of these were great at getting me to use Ps and Ai a bit more and even taught me a few new things about the programs which is always good. 

I will soon begin work trying to create a Wordpress site instead of using Blogger, to make a much more professional appearance. When it's all ready i will post up the new URL as the latest (and last) blog post on here to redirect those who visit this site. For now however, continue to read what i'm typing.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Y3 Route Plans / Non-Traditional Method of Presentation

The type of architecture i have created under the brief for this final project of mine doesn't lend itself to the traditional plans, sections and elevations type of presentation. It also has issues with an axonometric drawing or a big impressive render because of the nature of the beast. Being a self-organised arrangement of pods surrounding a central core building it tends to look a bit messy and labyrinthian.

The solution was to draw a series of unfolded plans of routes through the labyrinth to shed some light on what goes on, but importantly to not show everything. Leaving some up to the imagination of the viewer was important to me, because it adds mystery and opportunity and it becomes something more than just a drawing, it becomes a personal investigation when you look at it
"This leads down here, but what happens down this route?"

With dimensions of 2400x1500 to fill on my display with these routes, and a limited time in which to get them finished to print i managed to achieve something along those lines. A few points:

1. I was happy at the time with the work i produced. After a week of looking around the exhibition and back at my own work, i feel i have done ok, but there is room for improvement which i will explore over the coming weeks and post up the results here. So these are by no means the final product.

2. Colour and texture control in these images aren't as good as they could be, and over-laid hand drawings weren't as crisp as i'd like. These were all because of the time contraints and had i had another week at my disposal they would have been sorted. However, time was against everyone int he year and i haven't spoken to anyone who said they couldn't improve upon what they have done.


First up is the route which would normally be from Bromley-By-Bow to the tube station on foot. This is a ground level route only travelling north to south [displayed east to west respectively in this image]. And the end of the route is the ground floor of the forum space, where community discussions and meetings can take place to ensure the growth and safety of this community. On the way it passes past people's homes and where they have set up ad-hoc gardens and entrance ways to their houses in an effort to once again make this space their own.

The next route takes place as a potential escape route out of the labyrinth where the occupant can climb onto the roof of Bromley-By-Bow underground station and run around the housing pods which have begun to creep over the top of it. They can then get out of the labyrinth and make a quick get away. Alternatively they can use it to run into the labyrinth and then get lost amongst the maze, evading potential capture.

Route 2
The next route is a more casual route through onto the tops of a set of housing pods, and it's where people have set up a roof space for them to use, utilsing the cover that the surrounding housing blocks give them they have the luxury of being a bit more free with how they use this space, and creating an outdoor area on top of the labyrinth is what they have chosen to do.

Route 3

Monday, 25 June 2012

Y3 Project 3 Exhibition and Future Thoughts

First i will begin by saying that at this point, my third year is over [well, not quite but i'll get to that shortly] and so now of the next week or two i plan to update this blog with an in-depth look at project 3 and also improve upon the drawings i produced for the exhibition after a short time to reflect upon my work. After all, it's through critical reflection that we learn so much more, and i plan to take that knowledge to further work into what i have produced. 

For now i will present some photographs of my work in the exhibition, and in the next blog post i will post up the main drawings on the exhibition panel as they were when i pinned them up. After which i will work back into those drawings and hopefully elevate them to a higher standard of work to show my project off even better. 

Comments on the project itself, the backstory, the architectural thought process and of course where i intend to take it will be attached to one of the later blog posts or in a post of its own because it will be of some length.

So, for now here are some photographs of the exhibition stand:

2012-06-11 11.31.35 2012-06-11 11.31.25

Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Y3 Project 3 Propaganda Posters

These are some posters i made in Illustrator and Photoshop just to add a bit more depth to my future scenario, and also it's a bit of fun. They were an idea i had because a good bit of propaganda makes a dystopian future and also they can be used to add in some extra details for the scenario which give it more depth and believability. 

CCTV_PropPoster ARNrating_PropPoster    RMStation_PropPoster

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Y3 Project 3 Urban Control Thesis

Open publication - Free publishing - More architecture

To summarise what i have described in the above document, i mapped the relationship between CCTV and Graffiti within the district of Bromley-By-Bow (or BBB for short) and found, perhaps to no-ones surprise, that graffiti wasn't found within sight of a CCTV camera except by the underground station. It presented as a unique situation within BBB and so a decision was reached that this would be my site for this upcoming project. 

The decision was made on the foundation that it is a unique place within BB because of the relationship between the CCTV and graffiti, and this made an interesting social situation where the people in the area were actively taking a risk in vandalising this area more-so than in other places because of it's high pedestrian and vehicular traffic but also the passive policing that is so prominent in this area. 

A part of the brief for this project was also to create a future scenario for this area, and to work with that scenario. Either by creating a catalyst for change, something which reacts to this change in the future or an architecture which gets absorbed by the change. And my Thesis Document goes through this also which what i am intending to design towards.

It all starts with the local problems which are facing BBB in the present day. Issues such as gentrification [evidence of which i tried to deal with in the Boundaries exercise for Project 1], high immigrant population causing potential unrest and closed communities and for being an area which is comparatively poor. If you add in concerns from the global scene such as the economic crisis, the fuel and energy crisis and even the water problems which are being felt in New Mexico at the moment, there is a big melting pot of concerns which have no obvious resolution. It's not my objective to deal with the resolution of these issues, but to design an architecture taking all of these things into consideration.

My future scenario, not just for BB but for the whole UK, takes inspiration from places like "1984" by George Orwell, the "Black Mirror" series on C4 by Charlie Brooker, "Dune" by Frank Herbert and to a certain extent "Mirror's Edge" produced by EA games. The scenario is as follows:

The world is at a crisis point of resources, this includes food, water, energy [oil, gas, electricity] and also money. In order to stop the situation declining any further, the government has had to take emergency action and control the resource intake of the population, and this has required an increase in electronic monitoring like CCTV. In order to enforce this rationing, areas have been given their own 'Resource Management Station' which is to check on the local populations intake every month and to ensure that people are not living beyond what has been prescribed. 
 However, in BBB, a portion of the population has taken over this site and are using the connections to the main grid of the security system to ensure they are not caught and are forging an existence outside of the governments, now extreme, control. Building up their own living quarters around the 'Resource Management Station' and using the governments own equipment to distort and loop CCTV footage and to forge electronic submissions in order to keep them safe.

So that is the situation i am working with. It's definitely exciting for me to design within a dystopian future scenario which ordinarily i would never be able to. Something which i am keen to explore through process [also being in a process and CAD based unit] within and beyond what i have already learned this year. 

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Y3 Project 2 Parasitic Library Models

Y3 P2 Models

A sheet showing some process and technical models i used for this project. The grey board model was the initial process model which lead to the final design. Moving floor plates up and down to create spaces in-between in order to create some specific and ambiguous spaces to create opportunities for the user to do what they want in the space but whilst still keeping the initial purpose clear. 

Y3 P2 Exploded View

I did make a 1:50 exploded axonometric drawing which is on the above sheet along with pictures of my final model. The Axo showed the layers attached to the triangular frame of the walkways which constituted the structure of this project.

The final model didn't look as good as i had intended due to design alterations after laser cutting and also laser cutting was the wrong tool to use, i would have been much better off with a 3D print or a plaster cast model to get across the tectonics of the space. It's a learning point, and something i will remember in the future.

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Y3 Project 2 Parasitic Library


The brief for this project was to create a richer boundary situation within Bromley-By-Bow. I took this brief and located a boundary situation within a prominent block of flats in Stroudley Walk [the main high street in Bromley-By-Bow]. In usual social situations within flats the integration of people is very low. People on the bottom floor do not walk up the flats to talk to someone they do not know. So to enrich this situation within this block of flats i pitched the idea of a shared library/community media library where people can leave a book for people to read anonymously so they dont have to interact with people if they don't want to [so no change there, still a boundary] but that boundary is now a play for people to share media like books, DVDs etc.


In order to make this intervention solely for the residents of the flat, it needed to be attached to the flat itself and not the floor. After a time of experimenting with form and space, and still causing the living quarters of several flats to be damaged or reduced in quality it became apparent that this will not be a 'polite' construction and so i took out 2 flats to put this installation in. 


Experimenting with space was the name of the game for this project. After researching Smooth vs Striated and learning about specific and ambiguous spaces i went about this by creating in-between spaces in which you could store books and media, or sit down etc. You can see this in a development model in the next post. You can see in the sections that the centre part of the long walkways are of differing heights to create these spaces between. The raised situations are also places to sit, or lie down or meet people and discuss books if you wanted to. Basically by having a specific circulation space which runs throughout and then the middle space which is more ambiguous it creates opportunities for people to use it however they want to.


The plans and sections were an exercise in using Photoshop to create shadows and textures to create the atmosphere i am looking for in this project.