The brief for this project was to create a richer boundary situation within Bromley-By-Bow. I took this brief and located a boundary situation within a prominent block of flats in Stroudley Walk [the main high street in Bromley-By-Bow]. In usual social situations within flats the integration of people is very low. People on the bottom floor do not walk up the flats to talk to someone they do not know. So to enrich this situation within this block of flats i pitched the idea of a shared library/community media library where people can leave a book for people to read anonymously so they dont have to interact with people if they don't want to [so no change there, still a boundary] but that boundary is now a play for people to share media like books, DVDs etc.
In order to make this intervention solely for the residents of the flat, it needed to be attached to the flat itself and not the floor. After a time of experimenting with form and space, and still causing the living quarters of several flats to be damaged or reduced in quality it became apparent that this will not be a 'polite' construction and so i took out 2 flats to put this installation in.
Experimenting with space was the name of the game for this project. After researching Smooth vs Striated and learning about specific and ambiguous spaces i went about this by creating in-between spaces in which you could store books and media, or sit down etc. You can see this in a development model in the next post. You can see in the sections that the centre part of the long walkways are of differing heights to create these spaces between. The raised situations are also places to sit, or lie down or meet people and discuss books if you wanted to. Basically by having a specific circulation space which runs throughout and then the middle space which is more ambiguous it creates opportunities for people to use it however they want to.
The plans and sections were an exercise in using Photoshop to create shadows and textures to create the atmosphere i am looking for in this project.